从某新型涡轴发动机动力涡轮转子的结构特点出发 ,简要说明了对该转子进行实际高速动平衡操作存在的困难及采取的对策。在试验过程中 ,创造性地应用影响系数法和自行设计加工的精密平衡卡箍 ,高质量地完成了细长柔性转子的高速动平衡试验。研究表明 :高速动平衡技术可大大减小细长柔性转子的动挠度和支承动反力 。
With considering the structure characteristics of power turbine rotor of a new type turbine shaft engine, difficulties in the operation of high speed dynamic balancing and the applied countermeasures are briefly explained in the paper. High speed dynamic balancing experiments have been accomplished in good quality with a long slender flexible rotor by using creatively the influence coefficient method and self-designed and manufactured balance collars. Research result shows that high speed dynamic balancing technique can greatly reduce the dynamic deflection of long slender flexible rotors and the dynamic reverse force of bearing housings to achieve the goal of reducing vibration of engines.
Gas Turbine Experiment and Research