本文以水轮发电机二维电磁场计算场域为例 ,介绍了利用ANSYS宏命令开发编制的前处理程序 ,及开发过程中遇到的难点 ,并介绍了ANSYS前处理程序与其他软件的接口。该程序具有通用性强、方便、快捷等优点。使用该程序可以使前处理工作变得简便 ,大大提高工作效率。
In this paper, the preprocessing program which is developed and worked out by ANSYS command is presented, taking the domain of electromagnetic field calculation in 2D cross-section for hydro generators as an example. Some problems in developing process are discussed, too. An interface between ANSYS preprocessor and other software is presented. The program has advantages of high commonality, convenience and shortcut, and preprocessing work becomes simple and easy. At the same time, the efficiency can be increased greatly.
Large Electric Machine and Hydraulic Turbine