

Applying SLA on DiffServ Billing System
摘要 DiffServ的引入使得ISP可以根据不同的数据类型和用户服务要求来提供不同QoS水平的服务。但是,如果ISP不能对所提供的服务进行有效的计费管理,那么DiffServ的这个优点仍然不能得到充分利用。因此,有必要研究一种灵活的适应DiffServ要求的计费管理方法。该文所提出的计费系统通过SLA监控信息将市场激励机制引入计费管理,可以很好地指导用户网络行为、改善网络状态,这将有助于DiffServ环境下对不同QoS级别的服务计费管理。 The Differentiated Services architecture allows a service provider to provide different quality services according to the type of information and the requirements of users.This benefit,however,may not be fully realized if the service provider can not charge for these services.Thus,there is a real need for a flexible billing architecture to complement the flexibility offered by the differentiated service model.To meet this need,a SLA -based billing architecture is proposed in this paper.This architecture allows a service provider to introduce economic control mechanism into network management with the help of SLA.It is demonstrated how to apply SLA on DiffServ billing system and how it can help to guide user behavior and achieve an optimized network performance.
作者 刘芳 张国清
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第15期150-153,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 北京市自然科学基金重点项目(编号:4011003)
关键词 区分服务DiffServ 服务水平协议SLA 计费 DiffServ,Service Level Agreement (SLA),Billing
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