

Recent Development in U.S. Alliance Strategy
摘要 冷战后,美国为维持其霸主地位,以"共同理念"为基础对传统联盟关系进行了重新定义。但随着布什政府"单边主义"色彩的增强,美国与盟国之间的裂痕也日益显现。"9·11"事件后,美国决定绕过盟国自行其事,从而降低盟国的军事作用。美国的联盟政策中出现了以"实用主义"为核心理念的临时联盟取代以"共同理念"为核心的传统联盟的势头。 After the Cold War, the US. redefined the concept of alliance on the basis of common ideals in order to maintain its hegemony. However, with the rise of Bush administrations unilateralism, the gap between the US. and its allies has widened. After September 11, Washington decided to bypass its allies, thus reducing the role of NATO as a military alliance. The US. alliance strategy is shifting its emphasis from traditional alliance based on common ideals to temporary coalition based pragmatism.
作者 李要伟
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2003年第3期123-127,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 美国 联盟战略 U.S. alliance strategy
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