目的 :探讨乳杆菌 DM880 9菌株对小鼠阴道内其他菌群的抑制及调整阴道菌群的作用。方法 :通过用阿莫西林钠溶液对小鼠阴道冲洗处理后 ,接种致病性大肠埃希菌 EPEC10 4 ,建立起大肠埃希菌在小鼠阴道内的定植 ;用乳杆菌 DM890 9菌液冲洗治疗来去除大肠埃希菌 EPEC10 4在小鼠阴道的定植。结果 :通过各组小鼠阴道冲洗液检出的平均对数值比较 ,乳杆菌治疗组的小鼠阴道内大肠埃希菌的数量 ( 3.82±0 .6 2 )较自然恢复组小鼠阴道内大肠埃希菌的数量 ( 6 .72± 1.16 )减少明显 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ,而且治疗组的症状好转率 ( 8/10 )显著好于自然恢复组的症状好转率 ( 2 /10 ) ( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :乳杆菌 DM890 9菌株能有效去除大肠埃希菌 EPEC10
Objective:To explore that Lactobacillus DM8909 inhibit the growth of other vaginal microorganisms and regulates the vaginal flora in vivo Methods:Intavaginal inoculation of E coli vaginal colonization with E coli Attempt to eliminate the E coli colonization and restore normal conditions were made by suspensions of Lactobacilli DM8909 was administered as repeated vaginal flush Results: Lactobacillus treatment group was significantly more effective to eliminate the E coli colonozation than placebo with 3 82±0 62 cured with Lactobacilli 8/10 of the Lactobacilli compared with 6 72±1 16 with placebo( P <0 01) After treatment of Lactobacilli 8/10 of the Lactobacilli group significantly relieved vaginal signs of inflammmation compared with 2/10 with placebo( P <0 05) Conclusion:This study demonstrates the role of the Lactobacilli in the eliminating the vaginal E coli colonization and in relieving typical signs of BV with E coli colonization It was suggested that the Lactobacillus for the treatment of BV by further study in future
Chinese Journal of Microecology