超声波采油的主要缺陷是超声波在岩层中的作用范围非常小 ,其原因之一是超声波在岩层中的波阵面是发散的圆柱面。利用声透镜的聚焦作用 ,可以改变超声波在岩层中的波阵面形状。在岩层中将超声波聚焦 ,可增大超声波在岩层中的强度 ,从而扩大超声波在岩层中的作用范围。根据声波的折射规律 ,设计了一种用于井下采油的圆柱面声透镜 ,并推导出了超声波在岩层中的作用范围及相位差 ,分析了声透镜尺寸及材料声速、原油及岩层的声速对其作用范围的影响。根据油井的口径、原油及岩层的声速 ,当声透镜选用恰当的材料及尺寸时 。
The main defect of the oil extraction by ultrasonic wave is that the propagation distance of the ultrasonic wave in rock stratum is verily small. The reason is that the wave front of the ultrasonic wave in rock stratum is the cylinder. The wave front of the cylinder spreads with the increase of the propagation distance. The wave front of the ultrasonic wave can be changed by using the sound lens. The intensity of the ultrasonic wave will increase when the ultrasonic wave is focused by the sound lens in rock stratum. A sound lens using for oil extraction was designed in the paper according to the refraction law of sound. The sphere of action and the phase difference of ultrasonic wave in rock stratum were calculated. The influence of the size of sound lens and the sound velocity of sound lens material and crude oil and rock stratum on the sphere of action was studied. When the material and size of sound lens is chosen, the sound velocity of crude oil and rock stratum and the size of oil well must be taken into account. The sphere of action of ultrasonic wave in rock stratum by using the sound lens can be tens centimeter.
Petroleum Instruments