党的十六大确立了全面建设小康社会的目标。如何认识和理解全面小康社会目标与信息化建设的关系 ,信息化建设在全面建设小康社会中的地位和作用 ,为实现全面小康社会 ,在推进信息化进程中要处理好哪些关系 ,应引起各通信运营企业的关注。
The Sixteenth National Congress of CPC establishes the aim of building a full-scale comparatively well-off society. Each communication operator should pay close attention to comprehending the relationship between this aim and the construction of informatization whose position and function in the comparatively well-off society should also be understood and what relationships we should deal with when promoting informatization to achieve this society.
Journal of Changsha Telecommunications and Technology Vocational College