
林木遗传图谱研究现状及发展趋势 被引量:15

Status Quo and Tendency in Construction of ForestFrees' Genetic Linkage Maps
摘要 林木具有世代长、高度杂合、遗传负荷大等遗传特性 ,使其遗传图谱研究不同于其他物种。高质量林木遗传图谱 ,可进行林木近缘树种比较图谱研究 ,了解林木的基因组结构和进化历程 ,进行有效QTL定位研究及开展林木复杂性状的标记辅助选择。目前林木作图存在着群体较小 ,构建的图谱和定位的QTL存在连锁平衡 ,以及作图策略未充分考虑林木的遗传学特性等问题。扩大作图群体。 Construction of forest trees' genetic linkage maps is different from that of other species due to trees' long generation, high heterozygosity and genetic load. Trees' high-performance genetic maps could be applied to comparative mapping of kindred tree species, a better understanding of genomic organization and evolution of forest trees, QTL mapping and molecular-assisted selection of trees' complex traits. Problems existing in forest trees' genetic mapping includes small mapping population, linkage equilibrium in map construction and QTL mapping and an unsatisfied mapping strategy in which genetic characteristics of forest trees are not fully considered, all of which could been solved by using large mapping population, highly conservative marker systems and statistic methods suitable to mapping and genomic studies of forest trees.;
出处 《中国生物工程杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期14-18,共5页 China Biotechnology
关键词 林木 遗传图谱研究 现状 发展趋势 QTL定位 分子标记标记辅助选择 基因组 Forest trees Genetic map Molecular marker QTL Marker-assisted selection
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