介绍了华安县 1 998年引种云南甜竹、大头典竹、吊丝单竹 3个竹种的生长情况、经济效益和栽培技术。试验结果表明 ,其平均造林成活率和当年出笋率为 :93.3%和 85.9% ,造林第 2年就可郁闭成林 ,并有竹笋产出 ,第 3年有竹笋、竹材产出 ,第 4年达到稳定丰产期 ,每亩 (1 hm2 =1 5亩 ,下同 )平均产鲜笋 1 1 2 4 kg、竹材 451 kg,投入产出比为 1∶ 1 .8。
Growth conditions, economic benefits and cultivation technologies of Dendrocalamus brandisii, Dendrocalamopsis beecheyana var. pubescens and Dendrocalamopsis vario-striata introduced by Huaan County in 1998 were reported in this article. The experimental results indicated that the average survival rate and shoot appearance rate in the 1 st year of the above bamboo species were 93.3% and 85.9% respectively. In the 2 nd year, they grew into bamboo forest and produced bamboo shoot as well. In the 3 rd year, both bamboo timber and bamboo shoot yielded. The 4 th year was a stably harvesting period. The average output of fresh bamboo shoot and bamboo timber were up to 16 860kg·hm -2 and 6 765kg·hm -2 respectively, and the ratio of the input and output was 1∶1.8.
Journal of Bamboo Research