媒体对犯罪的宣传报道是一把双刃剑 ,有利也有弊。犯罪传播和模仿的后果包括给犯罪分子提供反面教材 ,暴露警方的侦查秘密 ,引诱青少年走向犯罪等。媒体对犯罪案件的报道主要是为了预防犯罪 ,娱乐受众乃至刻意媚俗。防止犯罪的传播和模仿 ,我们可以考虑以下对策 :坚持初衷 ,适当节制 ,有所不为 ,注意把关等。
The media's propagation of crime has both advantages and disadvantages.It may provide criminals with negative examples,give away the investigative secrets of the police,or entice young people to commit crimes.The media reports the cases of crime to prevent crimes and entertain,or even fawn on the public as well.In order to prevent the propagation and imitation of crime,we can take such measures as controling in a proper way,making good checks,etc..