针对智能化剑杆织机控制参数多 ,各机构运动相对独立的特点 ,采用主从式计算机相互通信的控制方式完成对智能化剑杆织机的信息管理与服务功能。织机的主要工作参数如主轴转速、引纬率、经纱张力等都能够在计算机屏幕上实时显示并能够根据需要调节。该方法具有控制简单。
Using the control method that master-slave computer system mutual telecommunication to complete the function of information management and service for intelligent rapier loom in accordance with the feature of parameters which are too more and mechanism's motion reatively independent in intelligent rapier loom. The main parameters, such as the principal axle speed, weft ratio and warp tension can be real-time showed in the screen of computer and can be changed according to requirement. This method has advantages, which are to more simple control and high automaticity.
Information Technology