This paper discusses the methods and process of Geographic Information System (GIS) applied in soil spatial analysis, involving the collection of soil spatial data that GIS required, spatial analysis method of soil nutrient, land use, slope and exposure of geography, crop yield and other factors, and also including acquiring soil spatial information and creating thematic map, and so on. Taking Hengjing Town in Wuxian County of Jiangsu Province as a case study and the maximum income as a principle, and applying the GIS methods and their interrelated models, we have calculated the most optimized agricultural land and the possible maximum income of Hengjing Town. According to the method, we can rationally regulate local agricultural production, and put forward some scenarios for optimizing agricultural structure of Hengjing Town. The paper puts forward an evaluation method of land adaptability based on soil spatial analysis, and offers some research clews to optimize agricultural land use constitution, so the paper will be have important reference value for soil study.
This paper discusses the methods and process of Geographic Information System(GIS) applied in soil spatial analysis, involving the collection of soil spatial data that GISrequired, spatial analysis method of soil nutrient, land use, slope and exposure of geography, cropyield and other factors, and also including acquiring soil spatial information and creating thematicmap, and so on. Taking Hengjing Town in Wuxian County of Jiangsu Province as a case study and themaximum income as a principle, and applying the GIS methods and their interrelated models, we havecalculated the most optimized agricultural land and the possible maximum income of Hengjing Town.According to the method, we can rationally regulate local agricultural production, and put forwardsome scenarios for optimizing agricultural structure of Hengjing Town. The paper puts forward anevaluation method of land adaptability based on soil spatial analysis, and offers some researchclews to optimize agricultural land use constitution, so the paper will be have important referencevalue for soil study.
Under the auspices of the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. KZCX1-SW-12-1-2,CXNIGLAS-A02-011,KZCX2-311).