目的 研究滤嘴中加入姜黄素对香烟主流烟气的抗突变作用及其对主要诱变成分的滤除作用。方法 采用八孔道全自动模拟人吸烟机 ,采集香烟主流烟气凝聚物 ,用Ames试验、反向高效液相色谱 -荧光检测、紫外分光光度法 ,对滤嘴中加入和未加入姜黄素处理的香烟主流烟气凝聚物的致突变性及其主要诱变成分进行检测。结果 滤嘴中未加姜黄素样品各剂量组致突变性均为阳性 ;加入姜黄素 2 4mg/ml时 ,即可降低其致突变作用 ;且滤嘴加入姜黄素处理后 ,能有效减少香烟主流烟气凝聚物中BaP、焦油、总颗粒相物质 (TPM)、烟碱的含量。结论 姜黄素可降低香烟凝聚物的致突变性 ,能有效减少香烟主流烟气凝聚物BaP、焦油、TPM、烟碱的含量。
Objective To observe the antimutagenicity and filter effect of the main mutagens in mainstream of cigarette smoke by adding curcumin in the filter.Methods The accumulatants of the mainstream of cigarette smoke were collected by eight tunnel manipulated autosmoking machine.The mutagenicity and the main mutagens were tested by Ames test,RP-HPLC methods in two groups added curcumin or not in the filter.Results The positive mutagenicity was found in all samples of the noncurcumin group.A significantly diminished mutagenicity and decreased BaP,Tar,TPM,and nicotine level were observed while adding curcumin in the filter,especially at the concentration of 2.4?mg/ml.Conclusion The mutagenicity of the accumulatants in the mainstream of cigarette smoke can be decreased effectively and the BaP,Tar,TPM,and nicotine level can also be lowed by adding curcumin in the filter.
Chinese Journal of Public Health