目的 研究弱智高发区巨细胞病毒 (CMV)感染流行病学状况。方法 用ELISA和PCR方法对弱智高发区的 36 7例孕妇进行监测及问卷调查 ,并监测 6 3例孕期CMV感染者 2两周内母体乳汁CMV -DNA。结果 弱智高发区孕期CMV活动性感染率 19 6 2 %,宫内传播率 33 33%,产后乳汁排泄率 39 0 2 %;孕期CMV感染与年龄、文化程度、经济状况、胎次及病理性生产史有关 ,与孕周无关。结论 提示在弱智高发区也应重视CMV的监测 ,文化程度低、经济状况差、胎次及有病理性生产史者 ,应视为孕期CMV感染的高危因素。
Objective To study the epidemiology of CMV infection in Qinba mountainous area with higher prevalence of mental retardation in children.Methods Three hundred and sixty-seven pregnant women were monitored with ELISA and PCR and presented with questionnaire.CMV-DNA in urine of 63 neonates within two weeks,whose mother infected CMV during pregnancy and CMV-DNA in breast milk two weeks after delivery of 61 women infected and 84 women non-infected were detected.Results Infection rate of CMV in mental retardation prevalent areas was 19.62%,the incidence of transmission in utero was 33.33%.The incidence of excretion by breast milk was 39.02%.CMV infection during pregnancy related to age,education,economic states,pregnant frequency and pathological delivery.It had no relation with gestational age.Conclusion CMV detection in mental retardation prevalence areas should be paid much attention.Less education,worse financial condition,more frequent and pathological delivery should be regarded as high risk factors of CMV infection during pregnancy.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
国家科技"九五"攻关计划项目资助 (96 - 92 0 - 1 1 - 9)