黄石市纺织服装业有一定的基础条件。当前 ,黄石纺织服装业面临国内外市场的强大压力。为此 ,要多管齐下 ,通过改革管理体制、扩大开放与招商引资、调整优化结构、实行技术改造、转变政府职能、实施人才战略等措施 ,推进黄石纺织服装业的发展。
Huangshi textile clothing industry has some foundation. At present, it faces the strong pressure from the domestic and foreign market. Therefore, we should promote its development by working along many lines, which are to reform management system, extend the opening to attract investment, regulate structure, carry out technological reform, transform governmental function and perform the strategy on the talent.
Journal of Huangshi Polytechnic College