消防法中责令停产停业处罚的决定主体应当包括人民政府和公安消防机构。其中 ,重大的责令停产停业处罚的决定主体应当是地方县级以上人民政府而不是公安消防机构。这是由重大的责令停产停业处罚的严厉性、对经济和社会生活影响的重大性、受处罚组织的特殊性以及处罚实施主体权限的法定性决定的 ,也与地方人民政府的行政管理职能相适应 ,并且符合我国的立法例。责令停产停业处罚的执行主体应当是公安消防机构。
According to Fire Protection Law, the administrative penalty of order for suspension of production or business should be decided by the local people's government and the department for fire protection of the public security organ. Where an order for suspension of production or business may detrimentally affect economy or public activities, such administrative penalty should be decided by the local people's government at or above the county level because of the severity of the this administrative penalty , the significant impact of this administrative penalty on the economy and public activities, the special situation of the penalized organizations, and the limits of decider's authority. And this is compatible with the local people's government's administrative function and existing legal provisions. The enforcer of this administrative penalty should be the department for fire protection of the public security organ.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy