李岚清同志在第九次全国高校党建工作会上强调指出 :“要高度重视和充分运用信息网络技术开辟思想政治工作 ,使广大师生在享受因特网传播信息便利、快捷的同时 ,增强政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力。”随着高校校园网络的日益普及 ,网络对广大青年学生的学习、生活、认知模式、价值观念和思想观念都产生了广泛而深刻的影响。在网络时代 。
Comrade Li Langqing has emphasized that in the Ninth National University Party-construction Meeting: 'We should pay much attention to and use the message network technology work, in order that our teachers and students can improve their political awareness and judgment, while they enjoying the convenience and quickness of the network.' As nowadays college's campus network used more and more, it has been bringing the wide and impressive influence to students' study, daily life, cognitive mode, value conception and ideology. In the network time, if we want to do well at carrying out the ideology work, we must make great effort to drive the political ideology education into the network.
Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University