交通警察作为一个特殊的社会群体 ,在身体健康面临着十分严峻的挑战的同时 ,心理上也承受着很大的压力。情绪障碍等心理问题却又因为大多是潜在的、隐性的因素而往往被人们所忽视。通过分析交通警察不良情绪产生的种种诱因 ,从而探寻一些心理健康维护与情绪调适的方法与途径。
As a special social group,traffic policemen are facing great challenges in respect of mind health and physical health. However,their mentality problems such as emotion obstacles,which are almost potential and implicit,are more likely to be ignored.In this paper,the author has analyzes the causes which give rise to bad emotion and inquires into the way to safeguard and adjust the traffic policeman's mind health.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University