高等函授教育是具有中国特色的成人继续教育的重要形式。由于我国高等函授教育起步较晚 ,在专业设置、课程设置、教材建设、师资队伍建设、教学方法等方面还存在一些问题 ,并在一定程度上影响和制约着高等函授教育的发展。高等函授教育只有紧跟时代步伐 ,加大改革力度 ,采取切实可行的有效措施 ,才能在培养社会主义现代化建设人才中发挥更大作用。
Attending correspondence courses is one of adult educations in china. From the situation of higher education by correspondence, there are some problems such as major, course management, teaching material, teaching methods and teacher cultivation, which limit the development of adult education. So specific approaches and measures should be taken to reform the situation. Education by correspondence should keep pace with the times and enlarge the reformation so that it can play an important role in cultivating talents for socialist construction.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University