介绍了利用软件移相技术得到相互正交的参考正弦波信号 ,通过互相关算法 ,完成了软正交矢量型 L IA相关器的具体实现 ,利用该方法实现了对微弱信号幅值和相位的检测 ,有效地抑制了干扰 ,减少了硬件电路成本 ,并且通过 Matlab仿真 ,验证了该算法具有一定的优越性 ,并在实际应用中取得了很好的效果。
Two orthogonal sine waves as referential waves are got by programming phase shift, and realized a soft orthogonal vector′s LIA by using cross correlation algorithm. It is effective on restraining noise to get amplitude and phase of faint signal in noise and reduces hardware circuits. The advantage of this method is tested by Matlab, and it is good for practical application.
Modern Electronics Technique