目的 提高女性压力性尿失禁的手术疗效。 方法 压力性尿失禁患者 12例 ,根据Laplace定律 ,参考Campbell Young手术方法 ,行后尿道及膀胱前壁切开 ,后尿道、膀胱颈及三角区裁剪宽约 1.5cm壁瓣 ,缝合成管状 ,延长和缩窄后尿道。 结果 术后平均随访 8.8年 ,11例完全控制排尿 ,无剩余尿 ,远、近期效果一致 ;1例于用力增加腹压时 ,有极少量尿溢出。 结论 延长和缩窄后尿道法治疗女性压力性尿失禁简单、有效、安全。
Objective To present the management of increasing the closure stress of urethra for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Methods In 12 patients with stress incontinence the posterior urethra and the anterior wall of the bladder was incised.Then the wall of posterior urethra,bladder neck and bladder trigone were trimmed and sutured to form a tube whereby to elongate and tighten the posterior urethra referring to Campbell-Young's way and according to Laplace's law. Results The mean period of post-operative follow-up was 8.8 years.Eleven patients could completely control their urinating without residual urine after the operation.The short-term and long-term outcomes were the same in these 11 patients.For the remaining one patient little urine was spilt when the abdominal pressure was increased with exertion. Conclusions Elongating and tightening the posterior urethra is simple,effective and safe for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women.
Chinese Journal of Urology