
虚功原理的应用 被引量:1

Applications of the Principle of Virtual Work
摘要 本文阐明了虚功原理的条件和应用范围,指出确定虚位移之间关系的三种方法及应用各种方法的注意点,通过例题说明应用虚功原理时各步骤的关键所在,并比较了五种解法的不同点. This article describes the conditions of the theory of virtual work and its applied places. It points three methods in fixing the relations between virtual displacements and the points for attention of each applied methods. By examples it explains where the key points of every process lie when the theory of virtaul work is applied. The article also compares the different point in five solutions.
作者 杜尚之
机构地区 丽水师专
出处 《湖州师专学报》 1992年第5期44-48,共5页
关键词 虚功原理 力学体系 虚位移 几何法 virtual work mechanical system ideal constraints virtual displacements analytical method virtual velocity method geometrical method
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