目的 目前中药壁虎以假充真现象较多 ,为了探求更便捷 ,准确的壁虎与伪品蜥蜴的鉴定方法 ,以探讨其古方中分部位用药的相关实验依据。方法 利用十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 (SDS -PAGE) ,观察壁虎及其伪品蜥蜴的电泳迁移率 ,并且对比其躯干 ,头 ,足及尾部等部位蛋白电泳区带的差异。结果 经实验鉴别 ,壁虎与蜥蜴的电泳图谱差异显著 ,各有其特有谱带 ;而且同一样品的不同部位之间谱带亦有区别。结论 SDS -PAGE图谱可以做为壁虎及其伪品蜥蜴的有效鉴别依据 。
Aim At present, with false pretends to be the true of gecko appearance more in the markets of traditional Chinese medicine.To distinguish gecko and its false-article lizard,and find the more convenient drug appraisal measure are necessary.Methods The sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gelelectroporesis technology(SDS-PAGE)was utilized,the head and sufficient and the difference that took in the body of geckoes and lizards were observed,the electrophoretic mobility were compared.Results It is highly different between geckoes and lizards,there is the intimate peculiar spectral band respectively and it is also different in the spectral band between the identical different positions of one kind of sample.Conclusion SDS-PAGE's collection of illustrative plates can be regarded the active basis distinguishing of gecko and article lizard.It is necessary for making a thorough inquiry further with the mechanism of medicine that the animal has been dividing into each position in some of ancient prescriptions.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army