对老龄柿树进行了改土施肥、改接良种、喷施生长调节剂、树形改造及加强病虫害防治 ;对幼树进行精心栽植、喷施生长调节剂、环剥、注意冬夏修剪相结合。结果表明 :采用垒堰培土、深翻施肥和穴贮肥水 ,能有效地改善土壤理化性状、明显提高树体生长结果状况 ;在展叶期采取切腹接 ,成活率可达 96 5 % ;幼树采用环剥座果率可达 5 7 8%、大树喷赤霉素加稀土座果率可达 63 8% ;大树通过整形修剪产量提高 15 3 % ;在防治虫害时采用绑毒绳效果最好。
In this experiment measares such as soil amendment,fertilizer addition,varieties change,spraying growth regulators,tree shape remoulding and disease & pest protection for old trees had been taken;for small trees planting carefully,spraying growth regulators and conducting around stem cutting、The results shown that through site preparation soil physiological conditions could be improved,fruit yield also had been increased,by cutting out coat of stem survival rate could reach 96 5%,fruiting rate for young trees reached 57 8%,for old trees 63 8%;by spraying chemicals,consequently yield was raised 15 3%。
Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology