为了探索溴氰菊酯对亚洲玉米螟雄蛾感受雌性信息素的影响 ,本文运用触角电位仪和风洞装置对亚洲玉米螟雄蛾进行了电生理和行为反应的测试 .结果表明 ,处理雄蛾对不同比例雌性信息素的触角电位反应分别在E/Z =1/ 9、5 / 5和 9/ 1处出现峰值 ,与对照相比无显著改变 ,但反应幅度为 0 .2 5~ 0 .4 5mV ,比对照下降 0 .15~ 0 .35mV .对不同剂量的性信息素 ,引起可见触角电位反应的低限阈值为 1ng ,饱和反应剂量为 10 0 0 0ng ,但反应幅度亦下降 0 .1~ 0 .5mV ,说明溴氰菊酯主要是影响雄蛾周缘感受系统的敏感性 .但在风洞测试中 ,雄蛾除在反应率上比对照明显降低外 ,其峰值感受比例从E/Z =1/ 1漂移到 7/ 3以上 .雄蛾对雌性信息素的低限反应剂量也由 10ng漂移到 10 0ng ,并且高限反应剂量也从 10 0 0 0 0ng降低到 5 00 0 0ng ,使有效作用剂量范围缩小 .这说明溴氰菊酯对雄蛾的行为反应有较大影响 ,不仅使雄蛾对性信息素感受的敏感性降低 ,也影响到其感受的专化性 .
To investigate the effects of deltamethrin on male Asian corn borer ( Ostrinia furnacalis ) to perceive sex pheromone, the electro physiolgical and behavioral response of topically treated male Asian corn borer to sex pheromone were tested with EAG sets and wind tunnel. The results showed that the summit response of male moths to varied ratios of pheromone blends was at E/Z=1/9,5/5 and 9/1, which was similar to that of control, but the EAG values were only 0.25mV to 0.45mV, which were significant lower than control by 0.15mV to 0.35 mV. The low threshold dose of pheromone for treated males to perception was 1ng, and the highest was 10000ng, which was also similar to control, but low by 0.1mV to 0.5mV in EAG values. This suggested that deltamethrin mainly affected the sensibility of peripheral reception system, while the preliminary recognition to the ratio of pheromone blends by peripheral reception system are not disturbed heavily. In wind tunnel test, a relative higher amount of males shifted to response to pheromone with E/Z ratios of 7/3 from E/Z =1/1 of control males, and keep on response at this level to blends with more E12 14∶OAc. The lowest dosage of pheromone effectively elicited response of males also shifted from 10ng to 100ng, and the highest doses for response declined to about 50 000ng from 100 000ng of control, which might result in a narrower band of effective doses. It is suggested that the sublethal dosage of deltamethrin not only affected the sensibility of male moth to perceive the pheromone, but also affected the specificity of pheromone perception.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (Z0 82 2 0 3 0 1)
上海市科学技术委员会资助项目 ( 0 1JC14 0 5 1)
Deltamethrin, Asian corn borer, Pheromone response, Perception shift.