以问卷调查、文献资料和观察法为主要研究手段 ,从教材因素、教师因素和学生因素三个主要方面分析了英语课堂教学中教师应当予以关注和努力加以解决的一些问题。指出教材的知识性、适用性和趣味性的有机结合在于教师的活化 ;现代教学方法应当和传统教学模式有机融合 ;性别差异可以合理利用 ;针对个别系科的学生 ,情感目标应当成为课堂教学的出发点。
Focusing on students of an Institute of Physical Education, the article seeks to explore certain issues which the language teacher should concern themselves with in the language classroom. Data analysis was chiefly based on a questionnaire, indicating that many students regarded the textbooks they were using as not interesting enough and also hoped for a more learner-centered classroom atmosphere, and that there existed gender difference and difference between students of different departments. In the discussion section, the authors suggest that the teacher activate the textbook; that modern instructional methodology be organically combined with the traditional teaching model; gender difference be favorably used; and that affective goals be pursued as the starting point in dealing with students with relatively poor command of English and negative feelings towards the language and language learning.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education