
用导矢叉乘法对NURBS曲线进行形状调整 被引量:4

Adjusting Shape of NURBS Curve by Cross Product of Tangent Vectors
摘要 提出用新旧曲线上对应点的两个导矢叉乘平方的积分定义目标函数的方法 通过极小化目标函数使新曲线偏离原曲线的程度最小 ,从而使新曲线在满足修改条件的前提下更符合原曲线所定义的形状 A new method for adjusting the shape of NURBS curve is presented The new method defines the objective function by the integral of the squared cross product of the two tangent vectors of the original and new curves By minimizing the objective function, the new method makes the deviation of the new curve with the original be one least, which makes the new curve have the shape suggested by the original curve while satisfying the conditions required by the modification The examples for comparing the shapes and errors of the curves by the new method are included
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期527-531,共5页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金 (60 1730 5 2 ) 山东省重点自然科学基金(Z2 0 0 1G0 1)
关键词 CAGD NURBS曲线 形状调整 导矢叉乘法 目标函数 计算机辅助设计 NURBS min length method bending method stretching method Lagrange function
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