壮族文化生态经历了依生美的过程 :在原始时代 ,壮族先民生活在自然的襁褓中 ,以采集和渔猎的方式生存 ,岭南大地丰富的动植物资源使他们产生一种自然、素朴而又相对轻松的依生之美 ;到了原始社会末期 ,由于人口的增多 ,他们改变以农耕为主的生存方式 ,遭到自然灾害的摧残 ,对自然神力更为深刻、全面的崇拜 ,产生了左江崖画这样的依生美的典型范式 ,体现出一种原始的崇高。
The paper discusses the historical process through which the Zhuang culture developed its culture-ecological beauty.In primitive times,the Zhuang people lived off hunting and gathering, and an abundance of animals and plants in the Lingnan area helped the Zhuang natives construct a kind of natural,simple and relatively casual culture-ecological beauty.By the end of prehistoric society,the Zhuang people started to plough lands. In doing so they deeply experienced nature's power and created Zuojiang paintings,a new kind of culture-ecological beauty.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition