
运动对红细胞免疫功能的影响 被引量:2

The Effect of Exercises on the Immunology Function of Erythrocyte
摘要 通过对近年来有关文献的综述 ,展示运动与红细胞免疫的研究进展 :红细胞通过CR1粘附IC等功能参与机体免疫 ,运动中RBC—C3bRR和RBC—ICR都发生变化 ,同时对红细胞免疫的深入研究进行展望。 The article comprehensively analyses the related documents of recent years, showing the progress of exercises and erythrocyte immunity. Red blood cells participate in immune activities mainly through CR1 gluing IC in circulation. RB-C3bRR and RBC-ICR changed during exercises. The profound research of erythrocyte immunity is also prospected.
作者 李素萍 常波
机构地区 沈阳体育学院
出处 《沈阳体育学院学报》 2003年第2期37-39,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Sport University
关键词 体育运动 红细胞免疫 CR1 RBC-C3BRR RBC-ICR 免疫功能 exercises erythrocyte immunity CR1 RBC-C3bRR RBC-ICR
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