研究性学习是指学生在教师指导下 ,从自己的学习生活和社会生活中选择和确定自己最感兴趣的问题 (专题或课题 ) ,以类似科学研究的方式主动地去获取知识 ,并应用知识解决问题。其着眼点是改变学生被动地接受知识传授的学习方式 ,其目的是在学生进行自主性、探索性的学习活动中 ,最大限度地发掘学生的学习潜能 ,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。这不仅可以促进学生掌握现代学习方法 ,而且也可以促进教师教学观念和教学行为的改变 ,形成现代教学理念。
Researching study is a study method by which the students select and determine the most interesting subject in their study and social life, and to obtain and apply knowledge, to solve the problems actively in the same way as scientific research under the instruction of the teachers. The purpose of it is to change the present condition that the students accept the knowledge passively, and to excavate the study potentials of students mostly, and to culture their innovating spirit and practicing ability in the independent and exploring study course. Not only can it help the students to hold the modern study method, but can help the teachers to change their teaching concept and behavior and to form modern teaching ideas.
Journal of Shenyang Sport University