转轨国家的养老金改革是一项艰巨的系统工程 ,迄今为止 ,成功的先例很少。因此 ,哈萨克斯坦养老金体制改革的成功尤其引人注目。其集中与分权合理结合 ,坚决彻底地转向个人积累制的两条经验 ,为包括中国在内的转轨国家提供了一条可供借鉴的道路。
The reform of pension in transitional countries is an arduous systematical program. So far there is few successful examples. So Kazakhstan is conspicuous for its success, and has two successful experiences, a rational combination of its centralization and distribution of powers and a thorough transition to personal accumulation, both provides a reference for the transitional countries, including China.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute