
宜昌市1978~1999年居民死因流行病学特征及减寿分析 被引量:6

An Analysis on the Epidemiological Characters and PYLL among the Resident Deaths of Yichang City from 1978-1999
摘要 目的 研究宜昌市居民病伤死亡流行病学特征及减寿水平。方法 采用流行病学方法、统计学方法和计算机技术 ,分析评判居民病伤死因构成及减寿损失之间的逻辑效应关系。结果  1978~ 1999年宜昌市城区居民前 5位主要死因分别为循环系统疾病、肿瘤、损伤与中毒、呼吸系统疾病、传染病。其中 :①循环系统疾病死亡率达191 60 / 10万 ,在居民病伤死因中所占位置始终是第 1位。男性循环系统疾病平均年死亡率为 179 92 / 10万 ,女性为2 0 4 64/ 10万 ,女性高于男性。②恶性肿瘤一直居死亡原因第 2位 ,年均死亡率为 85 62 / 10万 ,男性 10 5 44/ 10万高于女性 63 48/ 10万。③损伤与中毒总死亡率由 1978年的 71 3 5/ 10万下降至 1999年的 45 2 0 / 10万。但仍占居民病伤总死亡率的第 3位。损伤与中毒死亡原因主要是交通事故、淹死和自杀。减寿损失损伤与中毒最高占 17 80‰ ;肿瘤次之占 10 70‰。结论 居民病伤死因顺位及构成已发生了明显改变 ,由循环系病取代传染病成为第 1位死因 ,死亡年龄日趋老年化 ,应加强对慢性非传染性疾病防治工作的力度 ;另外面对伤害的减寿率居高不下的现实 。 Objective To study the epide miological characters of the resident death and level of PYLL Methods Epidemoilogical and statistics metho d s were adopted to adjudicate the logical relationships between level and proport ion of deaths cause Results The main caus es of leading diseases were circulatory diseases,malignant tumour,injury,resp ira tor y diseases,infectious diseases ①The annual mortality rates of circulatory dis ea ses averaged 191 6/10 5 with male 179 92/10 5 and female 204 64/10 5 durin g 1 978~1999,which was in the first rank among the sequency of death cause ②The an nual mortality rates of malignant tumour averaged 85 62/10 5 with male 105 44 /1 0 5 and female 63 48/10 5 were in the second rank ③The overall mortality ra te of injury among residents decreased form 71 35/10 5 to 45 20/10 5 from 1978 t o 1999 But the death rate of injury still ranked in the top three positions amo n g the overall mortality The leading causes of death of injury were traffic acci de nt,drowning and suicide It was the highest for injury that equals to 17 80 of the total life lost,and malignant tumour was in the second place by 10 70‰ Conclusions It had taken changed for t he r ank of deeaths cause so as to the first rank for circulatory diseases instead of infectious diseases The ages of deaths trended to elder annually The preventi on and treatment of osteopenia should be chronic non-infectious diseases The gove r nment should pay great attention to the health for adolescence according to the high life lost rate(LLR)of wounds and injuries
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2003年第2期107-109,共3页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
关键词 宜昌市 居民 死因 流行病学 减寿分析 Resident deaths Epidemiologic al character PYLL analysis
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