本研究通过实验室中的双手协调技能学习 ,探讨目标协调或目标差异的成绩反馈对不同成就动机倾向的学生后继操作成绩的影响。结果表明 :( 1)成绩反馈和成就动机倾向都不能独立地影响学生后继成绩的提高或降低。 ( 2 )两种成绩反馈对不同成就动机倾向学生的后继成绩具有不同的影响 ,在目标协调时 ,两类学生的后继成绩非常接近 ;但在目标差异时 ,追求成功者的后继成绩优于避免失败者。
Using dual-hand adjustment instrument, this study attempt to examined the effect of feedback of performance and achievement oriented on successive performance of subjects 127 students participated the experiment The results showed both feedback of performance and achievement oriented could not influence independently successive performance Both feedback of Performance and achievement oriented have interaction in the operative skills The students who have different achievement oriented were accordant in goal correspond But the performance of MAS subjects was extremely significantly better than that MAF subjects in goal difference
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University