中国女子跳远是中国田径项目中的传统强项 ,曾经涌现出一大批具有世界先进水平的优秀运动员。在今后的几年里 ,如果我们采取的措施得力 ,是有可能培养出一批高水平的运动员 ,在 2 0 0 8年奥运会上取得优异成绩。这些措施包括 :扩大选材和训练规模、增加完整专项技术训练、对薄弱环节加强针对性训练、结合实战进行严格要求、提高运动员参加世界性大赛的经验等。
Chinese women long_jump is the powerful traditional game in Chinese track and field,and producing many excellent athlete with the world's advanced level,In following years,if we take appropriate measure,we are able to culture many high level athlete,and make excellent records These measures include:enlarging selecting material and training scale,adding intact special technic training,adding pertinence training to weakness,being strict with acutal combat, increasing athlete's experience in world's games and so on
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University