目的 探讨维汉民族前列腺增生患者前列腺的体积、症状积分和膀胱排尿症状的相关性。方法 对71例住院手术的维汉不同民族前列腺增生症(BPH)患者进行国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS),生活质量评分(L),前列腺体积(V),重量(M)、患者与年龄(age)尿流动力学指标的直线相关分析。结果 40例汉族及31例雏族BPH患者的前列腺体积与膀胱颈压,膀胱预压与膀胱顺应性,最大尿流率与膀胱顺应性均呈正相关。结论 最大尿流率、前列腺体积、膀胱顺应性、膀胱颈压四个参数不但能了解膀胱排尿功能和形态改变,也可做为临床上手术切除增生前列腺组织,解除梗阻,缓解症状,评价治疗效果的指标。
AIM To assess the relationship between the volume of prostate, IPSS acore and the symptom of voiding in men with BPH. METHODS The linear dependence analysis of intemational prostatic symptom score (EPSS), the living quality score( L), the volume and weight of prostate, age of patients and urodynamic parameters were carried out in 71 cases of different race men with BPH. RESULTS There was significant correlation between prostatic volume and bladder neck pressure, bladder neck pressure and bladder compliance , the maximal flow rate and bladder compliance between han and uighur cases. CONCLUSION The maximal flow rate, prostatic volume, blad-der compliance, bladder neck pressure could be used to understand bladder voiding function and morphological change, also served as a in-dex for diagnosis of obstruction degree and effect of treatment as well.
Journal of Modern Urology