

The global existence of three-dimension derivative Ginzburg Landau equation
摘要 通过技巧性较强的先验估计 ,研究在周期边界条件下的导数 Ginzburg- L andau方程 (CGL ) ut=ρu +(1+iv)Δu - (1+iμ) |u|2σu +αλ1 . (|u|2 u) +β(λ2 . u) |u|2 .其中 u(x)是定义在空间 R3+ 1的未知复值函数 ,Δ是R3的拉普拉斯算子 ,数据ρ >0 ,v,μ是实参数 ,Ω是 R3中的有界区域。获得参数精确的取值范围 。 By the priori estimation of relatively strong technique, derivative Ginzburg Landau equation (CGL) is studied under the periodic boundary condition: u\-t=ρu+(1+iυ)Δu-(1+iμ)|u|\+\{2σ\}u+αλ\-1·(|u|\+2u)+β(λ\-2·u)|u|\+2 Where u(x) is an unknown complex value function defined in space R\+\{3+1\},Δis a Laplacian of R\+3, where ρ>0,υ,μ are real parameters Ω is an area of R\+3 The precise range of parameters' value is obtained and the existence of the initian value problem solution is futher expounded
出处 《广西工学院学报》 CAS 2003年第1期5-10,共6页 Journal of Guangxi University of Technology
关键词 三维导数Ginzburg-Landau方程 整体存在性 初边值问题 整体解 周期边界条件 derivative Ginzburg Landau equation global solution
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