The heart and the aortic trunk of Chinese Andrias davidianus were studied by means of injecting the emulsion with coloring material into the aortic trunk,and observed by microscope and magnifying glass,the results show that the heart locates under the coracoid and just on the body midline and in front of the body cavity.The heart is consisted of atria,ventricle and sinus venosus.The atria are on the left of midline,looking like a hemisphere.The apex of atria points to posteriorsinister direction.The walls of atria are very thin.The atria are divided into two cavities by septum interatriale,atrium anterior and atrium posterior.The atrium anterior is bigger than atrium posterior.There are some holes in the septum interatriale.The ventricle is on the right of midline,looking like sphere.The apex of ventricle points to posteriordexter direction.The wall of ventricle is thicker.There are four valvulae on ostium atrioventriculare.The sinus venosus locates on the dorsal side of heart like triangular bursa.The wall of sinus venosus is very thin.The aortic trunk is consisted of conusarteriosus and aortic arch.The former one expands and the latter one branches looking like the letter of 'Y'.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition