It is both the milestone between idealism and historical materialism and the important realistic problem whether reduces the realistic problem to the idealis tic problem, realistic reform to the deduction of theory starting from idealist thought; or practically changes the social condition as the approach to resolve the realistic problem as well as ideological problem starting from the reality. With the analysis of creating mechanism and its beneficial impedance of idealism , this paper tries to suggest one dimension for the cultural building of Chinese modernization through the reflection of the method of the building of Tibet cul tural, in order to provide one perspective for the cultural building of Chinese modernization.
It is both the milestone between idealism and historical materialism and the important realistic problem whether reduces the realistic problem to the idealis tic problem, realistic reform to the deduction of theory starting from idealist thought; or practically changes the social condition as the approach to resolve the realistic problem as well as ideological problem starting from the reality. With the analysis of creating mechanism and its beneficial impedance of idealism , this paper tries to suggest one dimension for the cultural building of Chinese modernization through the reflection of the method of the building of Tibet cul tural, in order to provide one perspective for the cultural building of Chinese modernization.
Philosophical Research