TMJ arthrography is playing an important role in diagnosing the temperomandibularjoint disorder syndrome.However,TMJ arthrography is relative difficult for researchers.to do,thus the procedure is uauslly limited to the symptomatic side alone.As a specialanatomic structure,it is impossible for one TMJ that may not affect the other in theirfunctional movement.Hence the implicit assumption that the asymptomatic joint will benormal and it may coexist with a deranged contralateral partner,but it will be doulted.Inthe present article,patients with unilateral symptom undergone bilateral arthrographyhave been made comparetive analysis among the symptom,sign and arthrographic resul-ts.This study shows only rely on the chief complain,and clinic sign can't present thebilateral TMJ conditions,symptomatic side arthrographic exam which may lost some usefulinformation.The results show that nearly 95% of both symptomatic and nonsymptomaticTMJs examined have arthrographic evidence of internal derangement.By using of bilateralarthrography,it is helpful for us to diagnose the pathogenic changes of both TMJ.
West China Journal of Stomatology