中国篮球必须吸取篮球运动员缺少人格精神而导致重大赛事失利的深刻教训 ,必须从理论到实践、从训练到比赛 ,充分挖掘人格精神潜力 ,从而实现运动员人格精神的转化和再造 ,重塑中国篮球运动的人格精神 。
The motive of the development of the Chinese b as ketball is to reinforce mental innovation of the theories and stress the practic al effects. The Chinese basketball should learn from the experience that the lac k of moral integrity has led to the lost of the bigwig competitions. Therefo re,the contingent of elite basketball players,coaches,scientific researchers and managers should be build. And whether from theory to practice,or from training to competition,the potential of the moral integrity should be unearthed. Benefic ent environment for the athletes should be given. The purpose is to remold the m oral integrity of the athletes and to establish the mental innovative system of the Chinese basketball theories.
Journal of Sports Adult Education