目的 探讨在注射吸毒人群中开展以推广安全套和针具交换为内容的减少危害干预项目的可接受性和可行性。方法 选择云南省药物依赖防治研究所的 3个社区服务站为项目试验点 ,以在试验点门诊就诊的注射吸毒者为研究对象 ,在需求评估的基础上 ,尝试为期 2年的针具交换和推广安全套的实验性减少危害干预项目。在干预后通过焦点问题小组讨论和个别深入访谈 ,评估干预效果。结果 针具交换和推广安全套项目可为吸毒者和部分吸毒者家庭所接受。针具交换项目和推广安全套项目是增加目标人群对性病、艾滋病警觉性和预防观念的一种有效措施 ;在注射吸毒人群中开展这 2个项目具有可行性 ,但需要以目标人群的需求为中心 ;项目点工作人员的负性观念和态度、能力的不足 ,不同程度地限制了项目的发展 ;把项目活动融入项目点的日常工作 ,可使项目获得持续性发展。结论 针具交换和推广安全套项目需要在满足目标人群需求的基础上尝试更为有效的干预方法 ,同时需要为目标人群的行为改变提供支持性环境。
Objective To study the acceptance and feasibility of social marketing of needles exchange and condom promotion in drug users.Methods Three clinics of Yunnan Institute for Drug Abuse Prevention were selected as project sites to implement the project.IDUs who visited to the clinics were subjects under study.This project lasted for 2 years.After the project was completed,individual interviews and focus group discussions were arranged to evaluate the outcomes of the project.Results Drug users and part of their relatives accepted the project.The project was one of the useful methods to prevent STI/HIV in target population group.Social marketing of needles exchange and condoms in drug users was feasible,however such project should be based on the needs of drug users and be easy to implement. The negative attitude and limited skills of the staff were barriers of the project.For its sustainability,such project should be integrated with routine harm reduction activities. Conclusion In implementing the project it is necessary to adopt more effective interventions and provide supportive environment for behavior changes among target population groups.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD