

Relation between the Occurrence of Malignant Arrhythmia During Acute Myocardial Ischemia and the Weight of Ischemic Myocardium in Goats
摘要 作者采用结扎山羊左冠状动脉枝,模拟冠状动脉突然完全阻塞,造成急性心肌缺血,观察室性心动过速(VT)和心室纤颤(VF)发生与缺血心肌重量的关系。结果.80条山羊发生VT或VF分别为23例及39例,发生时间的中位数均为6分钟。有缺血心肌重量资料的71例中,发生VT或VF的缺血心肌相对于左右心室重量均高于不发生者。经logistic曲线拟合,其VT或VF发生的可能性随缺血区相对重量增加而上升。 The coronary collateral circu-lation of goat is very spare,so myocardiacischemia model of goat can simulate thepatient previously with normal coronarycirculation and suddenly developing com-plete occlusion of coronary arteries. In this study 80 Chengdu goats were used,and the branches of their left coronary ar-tery were ligated. Ventricular tachycardia(VT) developed in 23 goats and ventricularfibrillation (VF) in 39 goats. VT and VFboth occurred in the early phase ofacute myocardial ischemia, and both had 6min as the median time of onset. In71 cases data on the weight of myocardiacischemic area were collected, in which theweight percentage of ischemic area relatingto the ventricles of 34 goats with VF wassignificantly higher than that of 37 goatswithout VF(35.4± 2.4% vs 19.5±1.9%).After coronary ligation, 9 cases directly pre-cipitated into VF which could not bedefibrillated. In the remaining 62 cases,the weight percentage of ischemic area of21 cases with VT was higher than that of 41cases without VT(32.9±2.8% vs 20.9±2.1%).The relationships between the incidence ofVT or VF and the weight percentage ofischemic area were fitted with logisticcurve. The likelihood of occurrence of VTor VF is increased as the weight percent-age of ischemia area goes up.
出处 《华西医科大学学报》 CSCD 1992年第3期297-300,共4页 Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 心肌缺血 心动过速 心室纤颤 Goat Acute myocardial ischemia Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular fibrillation Weight of myocardiac area
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