美是以理想为核心的主体本质力量对象化的产物。美的本质是在人类社会实践基础上形成的既符合客观世界本质规律、又符合人类全面发展的长远目的即符合人类社会历史进步要求的理想关系。这种理想关系包含认识关系和伦理关系 ,又高于认识关系和伦理关系 ,是一种主体与客体、感性与理性、形式与内容、现实与未来辩证统一的更具创造性、超越性、前瞻性的本质关系 ,而美的事物则是这种真善统一、和谐自由的理想关系的感性显现。美的内容是形式化了的理想 ,美的形式是理想化了的形式。随着人类社会实践活动的推进 ,理想关系逐步向更高层次提升 ,美的事物也在保持相对恒久的同时 ,发展着革故鼎新的变易性。
Beauty is the outcome of objectivation of the force of subjective substance with ideal as the core. The essence of beauty has been formed on the basis of human social practice, an ideal relationship which not only conforms to the law of the essence of the objective world, but also to the long-term goal of human comprehensive development, i.e. the demand of historical progress of human society. This ideal relationship not only contains the relationships of knowledge and ethics, but is higher than those, which is a creative, surpassing and forecasting relationship of essence, a dialectical unity of the subject and object, form and content, and the present and future. Beautiful things are the sense representation of the harmonious and free ideal relationship of unifying truth and kindness. The content of beauty is the ideal that has been formed, while the form of beauty is the form that has been idealized. With the progress of human social practice, the ideal relationship will go to the higher level, and while preserving its relative eternity, beautiful things will develop its feature of change to reform the old and seek the new.
Theory Journal