研究熔盐法制备铌镁酸铅基MLCC用瓷粉的工艺。制备出了 10 0 %钙钛矿相结构的铌镁酸铅基MLCC用瓷粉 ,煅烧温度只需 70 0℃ ,粉体活性较高 ,有利于采用低含量Pd的内浆或全银内浆 ,可降低MLCC生产成本。熔盐法制备的粉体颗粒均匀 ,形貌好 ,分散性好 ,团聚少。熔盐法生产工艺流程短 ,生产周期短 。
The technology for the preparation of the PMN based dielectric powder for MLCC by the Molten Salt Synthesis process is investigated The PMN based dielectric powder for MLCC with 100% Perovskite phase is successfully prepared The PMN based dielectric powder produced by the Molten Salt Synthesis process is active and can be roasted at 700℃, and can be applied with low Pd content or pure silver paste, so the production cost of MLCC is able to reduced The particle size distribution, the microstructure, and the dispersion of the PMN based dielectric powder produced by the Molten Salt Synthesis process are homogeneous, excellent and intensive The production flow sheet and period of the Molten Salt Synthesis are short, so the operation cost is low
Nonferrous Metals