介绍英国企业经营者考评机制和薪酬机制的有关内容 ,论述其对我国企业经营者队伍建设的借鉴作用。英国企业经营者考评机制包括经营者能力测评和业绩考核两部分内容。英国企业经营者的薪酬一般由基本工资、福利和浮动工资组成 ,是业绩、能力、资历、学历和工作年限以及团队精神的综合反映。目前 ,我国国有企业经营者的工资水平低 ,工资与业绩的关系不紧密。科学合理地考评、收入与绩效挂钩。
The relative content of assessment and reward system for enterprise managers in British is introduced, and the use and reference for state enterprise manager governing in China are discussed The assessment system for enterprise managers in British consists of the ability and achievement evaluating The reward of the state enterprise manager in British includes the salary, welfare and bonus, it is the comprehensive reflection of the achievements, ability, experience, education, working history and cooperation At present, the reward of the state enterprise managers is in low level and no tight relation to the achievements in China The main use and reference from British for state enterprise manager governing in China are scientifically and properly assessing, reward relating to the achievements, accordance for long terms and current encouragement
Nonferrous Metals