Internet的安全问题越来越突出 ,很多站点和内部网络 (Internet)都被黑客攻破 ,许多重要数据被盗。为了确保站点和子网的安全 ,很多安全协议和安全技术被广泛采用 ,如IPSec、VPN、KerberosAuthentication、SSL等等。在这些技术中 ,防火墙是一种应用普遍而行之有效的方法 ,已是各企业。
With the spreading of Internet, the security problem of Internet becomes more and more serious, for example, many websites and intranets have been attacked by hackers and the theft of important private datas is nothing surprising. Various technologied have been adopted to protect websites and subnet from being attacked by hackers, such as IPSec, VPN, Kerberos Authentication, SSL, and so on, among which Firewall is the most commonly used and most effective methods that has become the first choice for enterprises and orgnizations to guarantee net safety.
Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management