川藏公路由于地质环境复杂、建设标准低、后遗病害多 ,抗灾能力差 ,泥石流、滑坡、山崩、雪害、水毁等自然灾害频繁发生 ,公路阻车断道严重。国家投入巨资进行整治改建 ,并取得了明显的效果 ,但由于自然环境特殊、影响因素复杂 ,许多特大型、大型工程地质病害问题还没有可行、可靠的解决方案。本文通过分析川藏公路沿线的地质环境和灾害特点 ,总结历年整治改建和经验的教训 ,提出川藏公路建设的途径、可能达到的目标和应采用的原则。
The Sichuan-Tibet Highway was frequently destroyed and obstructed by geological hazards, such as debris flew, landslides, debacles, avalanche, etc, and due to for weak protection. Great changes have taken place after large investment for treating the hazards and recontruction the way, but there is no way to feasible treat some large-scale and complex hazards in the special environment. After investigating on the characteristics of the geological environment and hazards along the highway and summing up experience of hazards controlling and rebuilding for last years, the anthor in this paper gives some suggestions of approach, goal, and principles.
Journal of Engineering Geology