中国加入WTO后 ,教育服务的观念逐渐被人们所认同 ,提出了“教育服务产品”、“教育服务是一种知识服务业”、“开放教育服务市场”、“教育服务贸易”、“国际教育服务贸易”、“教育服务能力”、“教育服务优势”等概念与观点。我们应彻底改革教育观念 ,真正树立教育服务理念 ,树立教育服务国际化、全球化的观念 ,努力开放教育贸易市场 ,发挥我国在教育项目上的优势 ,充分发挥教育服务的贸易经济作用 ,推进我国教育服务市场化。
Ever since China's access to WTO, the conception of educational service has achieved a wider recognition, which has given rise to such popular viewpoints as products of educational service, the educational service as one of the tech-service industries, opening our educational market, educational service trade, international educational service exchange, the capacity of educational service, the advantages of educational service, and the like. It is hence believed that China ought to carry out thoroughly the educational reform so as to disseminate the principles of educational services, globalize the international educational service, open China's educational market, make a full use of the advantages of our educational contents and programs, and speed up the progress of marketing, trading, as well as the globalization processing of the educational services in China.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)