对于《尚书·康诰》中“殷彝”“殷罚”的解释 ,历年来学术界有不同的看法 ,多数学者解释为“殷家之法” ,这是不确切的。“殷彝”“殷罚”正确的解释应为“中正之法” ,即比较缓和的、轻重适宜的刑罚 ,而不是所谓的“殷家之法”。为了巩固新生的西周政权 。
There have been different interpretations about 'Yinye' and 'Yinfa'in Shangshu · Kanggao for many years. In this article, it is believed that 'Yinye' and 'Yinfa' should be interpreted as 'moderate laws', which are less severe and suitable punishment,not the so-called 'laws of Yin'. In order to make steady the newly-born political power of Xizhou,Zhougong made many new laws.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College