
全球化中的欧洲竞争法 被引量:2

摘要 Many concepts of economic globalization, such as transnational corporation, international business merger and world market, have also become concepts of competition law and policy. Assessment of business merger or combination usually involves the jurisdictions of several states. With direct transnational investment and international business merger becoming more and more common phenomena, people have suggested the adoption of an “international cartel law”. The EC Competition Law has given an important impetus to the making of the international cartel law. With the emergence of a series of antimonopoly cases which have attracted world wide attention, such as the Microsoft case and the merger of the General Electric and Honeywell, European scholars have put forward a series of preconditions for the application of competition law in the process of globalization, such as the definition of the market of hi tech products, the extraterritorial application of the law on the control of business merger, and the jurisdiction and cooperation of authorities responsible for the implementation of the competition law. Many concepts of economic globalization, such as transnational corporation, international business merger and world market, have also become concepts of competition law and policy. Assessment of business merger or combination usually involves the jurisdictions of several states. With direct transnational investment and international business merger becoming more and more common phenomena, people have suggested the adoption of an “international cartel law”. The EC Competition Law has given an important impetus to the making of the international cartel law. With the emergence of a series of antimonopoly cases which have attracted world wide attention, such as the Microsoft case and the merger of the General Electric and Honeywell, European scholars have put forward a series of preconditions for the application of competition law in the process of globalization, such as the definition of the market of hi tech products, the extraterritorial application of the law on the control of business merger, and the jurisdiction and cooperation of authorities responsible for the implementation of the competition law.
出处 《环球法律评论》 2003年第126期26-37,共12页 Global Law Review
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